Hello Missouri Valley Athletes and Coaches!
Seems like the first part of this year has gone by in a flash! I know I was super excited to see all
the top performances coming from our area! And I look forward to some big things to come!
One of which being the Youth Nationals and having our first ever Missouri Valley weightlifting
team represented.
Also, I did want to make you all aware and give encouragement to Dennis Snethen. He was in a
terrible accident at his father-in-law’s home. Which ended up leaving him in the hospital for
over two weeks. I have talked to Dennis and he is on the road to recovery, which is amazing
news! But I would ask that you keep him in your thoughts and prayers as he continues to try to
recover from this. He told me that he will be at Senior Nationals so I look forward to seeing
him there and hopefully several more of you guys!
All the best,
Anna Martin
KC Weightlifting
Missouri Valley President
MVWA Athletes and Coaches,
As Anna mentioned, we will be putting together a team to represent the Missouri Valley for
Youth, Junior, and Senior National meets starting with Youth Nationals this year. We will
choose teams for the 13U, 14-15, and overall divisions. The current standings for each division
will be posted below and will be updated as we have more meets. The top four athletes from
each age division will be chosen to represent the MVWA as well as the top eight in the overall
division with two alternates. The Missouri State and Open meet on May 25th will be the last
chance to qualify for Youth Nationals as well as post an eligible total to make Team Missouri
Valley. More information about the team can be found on the Missouri Valley web page.
We are also working to finalize details for the Missouri Valley Youth and Elite camp that will
take place at MidAmerica Nazarene University on July 19-21. For now we are planning on
former US Team Coach, Zygmunt Smalcerz being our camp coach and are working out the
details with him.
Registration information will likely be available in the next couple of weeks and a tentative
schedule will be posted below along with our Team Missouri Valley rankings. There will be a
registration cap of 30 youth athletes and 30 elite athletes. The dorms at MNU will also be
available for our out of town athletes at $35/night. Registration costs will be $50 for youth
athletes, $75 for elite athletes, and $75 for coaches. Athlete coaches are welcome to attend.
For the junior/senior Elite registrants, athletes must be able to qualify for Junior Nationals or
AO Finals respectively in order to register. Invites will also be sent out to our international
level athletes.
The 2018 MVWA Awards Banquet will be held at the conclusion of the camp at an area
As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Brad Jonker
Lion Chaser Barbell
MVWA Vice President