Missouri Valley Athletes and Coaches!
I am overjoyed with the new board that we have in place! You may have noticed this
new newsletter. Brad Jonker (Vice President) has agreed to work to put this together, so you
will start to see these periodically. We have had our first meeting as a new board and are
working on some awesome things to come. You will begin to hear more in the coming
Lastly, I would also like to congratulate Lift for Life athlete, Jerome Smith, on his
performance at the Youth Olympics! Super impressive athlete and such a high accomplishment
to make the Youth Olympic Team!
Anna Martin,
Head Coach, KC Weightlifting
President, Missouri Valley Weightlifting Assoc.
Missouri Valley members,
A big goal of the board of directors for this term is improved communication with the
membership. So this is the first of multiple newsletters that I’ll be sending out to update you of
what’s going on in your LWC. I’ll generally send these out after our LWC board meetings to let
you know what is in the works. For now, it will just be the bare bones as we get things started.
As we move along, I’d love to hear your ideas of the kind of content you’d like to see included
in the newsletter.
Brad Jonker
Head Coach, Lion Chaser Barbell
VP, Missouri Valley Weightlifting Assoc.