The who, what, when, and where of Missouri Valley LWC and USA Weightlifting sanctioned events, coaching courses, and training camps

usa weightlifting level 2
Saturday January 11 –
Sunday January 12, 2020
KC Weightlifting
9653 West 87th St
Overland Park, KS 66214
Coordinator: Anna Martin
Instructor: Anna Martin
Phone: 816-294-1281

usa weightlifting level 1
Saturday January 18 –
Sunday January 19, 2020
CornerStone Barbell
3216 S Turnpike Dr
Wichita, KS 67210
Coordinator: John Daily
Instructor: Brad Jonker
Phone: 316.841.4503

pony express
Saturday January 18, 2019
5400 King Hill
St. Joseph, MO 64504
Coordinator: Dennis Snethen
email: snethen@stjoelive.com
Phone: 816.646.4864

KC Weightlifting Last Chance AO1
Saturday February 1, 2020
KC Weightlifting
9653 West 87th St
Overland Park, KS 66214
Coordinator: Anna Martin
Phone: 816-294-1281

monica miller memorial meet
Saturday, February 8, 2020
4115 S Providence Rd
Columbia, MO 65203
Coordinator: Mason Stevens
Phone: 573.442.8877

Justin Thacker Memorial Meet
Saturday February 29, 2020
Legancy Athletics and Barbell (former Lab Gym)
4019 Papin St
St. Louis, MO 63110
Coordinator: Jimmy Duke
Phone: 479.200.0413

usa weightlifting level 1
Saturday March 14 –
Sunday March 15, 2020
Braves Athletic Performance Center
1001 S. Cedar
Ottawa, KS 66067
Coordinator: Dillon Adams
Instructor: Whitney Rodden

CrossFit Branson Lift Off
Saturday April 4, 2020
Uncharted Barbell
991 Portwest Drive
St. Charles, MO 63303
Coordinator: Nathan King
Phone: 314.517.7359

find a club
Go directly to USA Weightlifting to access their database of currently recognized clubs across the nation. Search by state, zip code, or Club name.
board of directors
WSO president
Anna Martin, Overland Park, KS
WSO Representatives
Elisha Hess, Republic, MO
Brad Jonker, Gardner, KS
Ethan Harak, Kansas City, MO
Keaton Poppe, Overland Park, KS
Jimmy Duke, St. Louis, MO
Jay Coleman, Overland Park, KS
Trent Crain, Maryland Heights, MO